CSER Funding update: new sponsors

19 January 2014

Two new sponsors, Matt Wage and Victoria Elenowitz, have generously agreed to build on Jaan Tallinn’s initial seed funding for the Centre. Mr. Wage is a member of the effective altruist organisation 80,000 Hours and was instrumental in establishing The Life You Can Save. He currently works in finance and supports what his research suggests are the most important global causes.
Ms. Elenowitz is the Managing Director of Golden Seeds, an angel fund in New York, and is Chair of the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute’s Advisory Council. Having previously worked with Cambridge’s Development Office, we are very grateful that she continues to provide such valuable support for Cambridge’s work on emerging global challenges.

Together, their funding will support the Centre’s activities over the coming year in the areas of workshop and lecture organisation, grantwriting and fundraising, research network establishment, and media outreach and communication.

Our “A New Science of Existential Risk” research grant to the European Research Council was highly ranked, but unfortunately was not selected in the final round of assessment. However, we have had several promising new developments, and are are currently exploring a number of promising grant opportunities to fund CSER’s research programmes. We hope to announce progress later in the year, but continue to welcome expressions of interest and offers of support for the Centre’s research.

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